Consumers May Avoid Credit Debt By Using Online Payment Alternatives
In the coming days, many consumers will be conducting their holiday shopping online at their favorite retailers' websites hoping to take advantage of free shipping, increased selection, and other advantages offered via the Internet.
However, consumers looking to reduce the amount of credit card debt while shopping online may wish to consider additional payment options.
One popular method is using Paypal, which allows users to link payments directly to their bank accounts or debit cards, WalletPop reports. Using this method can help reduce the temptation to add extra debt to credit accounts, while providing purchase protection for consumers.
Additionally, the online payment service eBillme allows consumers to buy products online without a credit card or bank account, the news source says. This payment method, which started in 2005, gives user the ability to purchase items at an online checkout for which they later receive bills in their e-mail inbox.
eBillme also features added savings on gift card purchases - 5 to 10 percent cash back from participating retailers - and other perks, which could increase holiday savings and help consumers avoid added holiday debt.