Americans Increase Credit Card Use While Traveling
A recent study by Visa revealed more Americans are becoming comfortable with using their credit cards, especially when traveling abroad.
Americans spent more than $3 billion in Canada in 2010, a total of 8 percent higher than the previous year. This may be in large part to the Winter Olympics, which occurred in Vancouver, British Columbia, last year. Purchases in Mexico increased as well, as cardholders spent nearly $3.1 billion while traveling. Other European destinations were popular among Visa users, as the United Kingdom, Italy, France and Germany all saw more than $1 billion in American spending last year.
This news is positive because it may show U.S. cardholders now have fewer worries over credit card debt, which is in line with the slowly improving economy.
Significant amounts were spent on Visa cards in the United States by foreigners, as well. Canadians spent more than $9 billion in 2010. This is 18 percent higher than their spending output in 2009. Mexicans spent approximately $2 billion in the 50 states last year, also a growth of 18 percent.