Consolidation options are now available for individuals, families, and businesses dealing with unmanageable bills.
Things have gotten to the point where there's no way out without assistance. Many people never imagined they'd find themselves in this situation.
Going from responsibly paying bills on time and having plenty in savings, to struggling to get by each month -- they're feeling like there's no way to make it through this.
Last month alone, we heard from more than many Ohio residents. Many were scared and not sure who to trust. Most didn't know about the programs they qualified for.
Hardship consolidation programs help people restore finances without filing bankruptcy. It's important to understand how the programs work and how to qualify.
See consolidation options for Ohio residents.
This site is a free educational and motivational resource to help consumers understand consolidation options. The site provides free do-it-yourself (DIY) resources, articles, and videos. The information on this site is not provided by any state organization but as a convenience to state residents with links to state and federal hardship assistance for informational purposes only. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, marital status, national origin or ancestry.
We are not a lender, creditor or debt collector. Among other consolidation options, referral arrangements with affiliates or partners may make it possible for you to apply for a loan. Term and APR will depend on requested loan amount, creditworthiness, income, debt payment obligations, credit history and other factors.
Testimonials are the individuals' expressed opinion and may not be reflective of all experiences with the company.
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